Welcome to the Givers Gathering Co-op Info Blog, where we explore heart-based living and provide a how-to guide for forming community. We live in an ever-changing landscape where more and more people are venturing into sustainable living, tiny homes, and community building. With rising living costs and society's unsettling disconnection, it's time to wake up and embrace the power of community and true Heart connectivity to create an unparalleled human experience.
We’re not here just to survive; we’re here to thrive! It's time to dream big and make those dreams reality! So many of us are stuck in routines that don't serve us, or our mental health, but it shouldn't take a catastrophic life event to make us change. This blog aims to inspire our readers to reach unprecedented levels of joy, raise vibrations and change the paradigm of what it means to be a human on Earth.
As we look at the current landscape, we cannot ignore the Age of Aquarius, a time of great planetary change. While this is a general era we're transitioning into, many of us can feel the current astrological transits taking place right NOW. Such transits indicate the beginning of significant societal shifts. From 2008 to 2024, our farthest most outlying planet, Pluto, traveled through the sign of Capricorn. It set an operating framework for our human cultural experience, affecting and setting a tone for the consciousness of our existence during this period. The collective consciousness was thrown into a ‘Dark-Night of the soul’ era, many were pulled to rock bottom. Whether you were firmly in your middle-aged transit or just entering into adulthood, this was a giant rug being pulled from beneath the foundation of our "functioning" society.
For myself, an 18-year-old about to embark on the journey of ‘adulthood,’ I was already beginning to question the ‘do well in school, get a great education, get a great job, be happy. The End’ Story I had been fed. My heart whispered, and then later screamed, that I was not here for that at all. I knew I was here for great change, to question everything, and to be an illusionary system-buster. I was never great at doing something I hated just because everyone else was doing it.
2008-2024 has been a period of great becoming. In true Capricorn fashion, the collective consciousness ascended like a goat up a sheer mountain face. We can equate this to the personal and collective struggles we encountered during these 16 years and the persistent and tenacious energy we adopted in response. But now with Pluto shifting into Aquarius from 2024 until 2043, a huge new transit, we must transform from a goat into an Eagle and experience a hugely different paradigm of existence!
We're moving from an outer planetary framework of the grounded disciplinary earth element into a revolutionary, knows-no-bounds air element, where we all have an opportunity to make significant changes and transform our experience of life on Earth!
It is time to take advantage of this transformative time! Change doesn’t have to be grueling and terrifying. We can simply allow the framework of the last 16 years - Being a goat climbing up a sheer rock face, to slip away by accepting it's done!
Survival of the fittest? Survival of the most intelligent? To us, survival and thriving will always belong to those who are most adaptable. Who can intimately perceive the experience around them and adapt and flow with the changing currents. So, you have reached the top of your mountain, whether in terms of conscious growth or career, or even just climbing out of a dark ravine. Great! There’s no more climbing for the goat; survival now on the mountain top is a transformation into a flighted form, a realization of new potential, and a complete transformation of the terrain or air-space you can access.
Such transformations are not only possible but also necessary! So, let's see how high we can soar together!
A. Faith